Dear Parents and Carers
Further to my message in January about Mr Duggan’s retirement, I’m delighted to let you know that following a very rigorous process, Mrs Serena Cubbin, currently one of our two Deputy Headteachers, has been appointed as our new Headteacher.
Mrs Cubbin was the outstanding candidate from an extremely strong group of applicants and will take up her new role in September. We’re thrilled that she will be leading us forward building on Mr Duggan’s wonderful achievements over the last 22 years, The vision of our College’s future that Mrs Cubbin presented to us was exciting and compelling and the role you, our parents and carers, will play in helping to make this vision a reality is so important.
I’m sure therefore you will join me and my fellow governors in congratulating Mrs Cubbin on her appointment and will give her your full backing come September.
Thank you as always for everything you do for our boys, and your ongoing support of our College.
John Greaves
Chair of Governors