Careers ActivitiesOutcomes
Year 7
Lesson 1
Careers & the  skills you need for workTo understand the definition of employability skills
To understand how you can develop these skills in other aspects of your life
Year 7
Lesson 2
Job ProfilesTo understand the skills necessary for different jobs
To understand entry requirements, salaries and routines
Year 7
Lesson 3
Careers in the Wider WorldTo consider jobs in terms of culture capital
To understand how their education at SAC contributes to their culture capital
Year 8 Lesson 1To learn about a range of jobs and how much people earnWho earns the most and why do you think this is?
Main duties
Year 8 Lesson 2Work/Life BalanceYour changing responsibilities within the family home and community
Year 9 Lesson 1The C.V.What is a C.V.
Ways to construct a C.V.
What to include and what not to include a C.V.
Year 9 Lesson 2Job ApplicationsWhere to find job vacancies
What to look for in a job ‘ad
The selection process
Positive action
Year 9 Lesson 3The cover letterIs a cover letter required?
The difference between a cover letter and a C.V.
How to make the right impression
Year 10 Lesson 1Work ExperienceMaking a choice
Legal requirements
Year 10 Lesson 2Work ExperienceFinding a provider
Acquiring consent
Year 10 Lesson 3Work ExperienceHow to conduct yourself during WE
The review process
The “Thank you” letter and request for reference\feedback
Year 11 Lesson 1ApprenticeshipsFrom 1563 to 2023
Modern apprenticeships
Apprenticeship levels
Year 11 Lesson 2ApprenticeshipsBenefits/drawbacks of apprenticeships
Your decisions
The importance of research
Year 11 Lesson 3ApprenticeshipsHow/where to find apprenticeships
How to apply
When to apply
Year 12/13 Lesson 1Apprenticeships – From 1563 to 2023Development towards modern apprenticeships
Levels of apprenticeships from Traineeships to Degree Apprenticeships
Careers ActivitiesYear Groups Involved
SEPT TO OCT 2024Introduction to Careers program “Xello” which is replacing Start Profile. My Interests/My Goals/My Strengths/My Skills. Assessment ongoing
GB1 – GB8
Year 7
OCT TO DEC 2024Meet the Employers Carousel – 4Periods of Carousel between 12 employers i.e. Airline, Engineering, Medicine, Manufacturing. Assessment via feedback from pupil and employer DCFs
GB2 – GB5
Year 8
15th OCTUK Universities & Apprenticeships Search – Liverpool
GB2 – GB5 – GB7
Year 12 & Year 13
27th NOVNational Apprenticeships Exhibition – Liverpool Exhibition CentreYear 12
4th DECCareers Enterprise Day at SACYears 8 and 9
JAN TO FEB 2025Careers Fair organised by Career Connect at the Hive. Assessment by booklet competed by pupils GB5 – GB7 – GB8Year 10
7th JAN 2025T-Level information presentation – Wirral Met CollegeYear 9
APRIL 2024 TO APRIL 2025Individual Careers Interviews with Career Connect
Update Start Profile for CV generation
Year 11
APRIL TO JULY 2025Meet the Employers – Fortnightly presentations from local employers, FE and HE organisations. Assessment by student feedback on MS Forms GB7Year 12
JUNE TO JULY 2025Work experience week 7th – 11th July. Assessment via pupil WE diary.
Year 10

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