Dear parents and carers,
We welcome back all staff and students from their unforgettable Spanish immersion trip to Jaen; they are expected to arrive back to College at midnight tonight. Students immersed themselves in the vibrant Spanish culture, attended the local school and engaged in lessons that brought the language to life in powerful ways. For some of our students, this marks the third time they’ve reunited with their exchange partners, and it’s clear that many have formed friendships and memories that will last a lifetime.
On Tuesday we had our monthly FOSA meeting. Our lucky 500 club winners are:
Mrs Boateng, Mr & Mrs Brocklebank, Mrs Bu-Haimed, Mr Caton, Mr Harford & Mrs Jamieson
Congratulations, your cheque is in the post! FOSA are currently planning a one off ‘Christmas Wreath’ making event with wine, prizes and music on Thursday 28th November, tickets are selling fast. If you would like more information on FOSA events or the 500 club please see our website. This year alone FOSA have raised enough money to fully furnish two classrooms with new desks, chairs and carpet as well as support with funding for educational trips and visits. Thank you to all our amazing volunteers, especially those who are helping out with refreshments at the Ridings every Saturday morning. If you have any spare time we would love to hear from you! https://st-anselms.com/fosa/
Thursday was Mental Health Awareness Day, which tied in beautifully with our liturgical theme of ‘Concern for the whole person’. Our Yr.13 mental health ambassadors led assemblies and workshops, and encouraged our students and staff to wear one yellow item. Top marks go to the music department for their inspirational yellow attire!
Just a reminder Yr8A/B/J are going to Conway Castle on Monday and we hope the weather is better this time. All Yr.11 students, parents/carers are invited to a Yr11 ‘Study Skills Evening’ on Tuesday at 6pm in the hall, we have our ‘KS3 Debut Music Gig’ at 6pm on Thursday and our annual ‘Anselmian Association Dinner’ on Friday – please see Mr Mason for tickets.
Good luck to all our sporting teams/individuals this weekend.
I wish you all a wonderful, restful weekend,
Kind regards,
Mrs Cubbin