Dear parents and carers,
The governors and staff of the College send our Easter greetings to all our students and their families and friends. We hope that you all enjoy a relaxing Easter break.
It is an important and essential opportunity for Year 11 and 13 students to embark upon some targeted revision, responding to lessons learned from their March Mock Exams.
Our “Beyond the Subject” reading curriculum continues this week and Dr Cooper has provided articles on the forthcoming US Presidential Election for your sons to read to develop their knowledge and understanding of this contest which will significantly influence the world that they grow up in. If your son is at a loose end during the holiday please direct him to this reading!
I will be sending out my Easter Newsletter during the holiday.
Please remember in your prayers our former, much-loved science teacher Mr Iain Smith who passed away last week after a long illness.
We wish you all a Happy and Holy Easter.
Yours in Christ,
Simon Duggan