Holding page.
Admission Arrangements
Details of our Admission Arrangements can be found in the Admissions Section of our website.
Annual reports and accounts
St Anselm’s College Edmund Rice Trust Academy Annual Accounts and Finances
Contact Details
Please click here for details of how to find us.
Please click here for details of how to contact us.
St Anselm’s College Edmund Rice Academy Trust
Manor Hill, Birkenhead, Wirral CH43 1UQ
College office – 0151 652 1408
Headteacher – Mrs S. Cubbin
Chair of Governors – Mrs Pam Green
Senco – Mr R Passingham
Details of our student curriculum can be found here
Executive pay
Governance information
Details of Governance arrangements including those detailed below can be found in the Governors section of the website.
Structure of the Governing Body (our Committees)
Codes of Conduct for Governors and Directors (catholiceducation.org.uk)
Declarations of Business Interests
Pay gap reporting
PE and sport premium
Pupil Premium and recovery premium
Details of how we spend our Pupil Premium funding and the effect this has on the attainment of the students who attract the funding can be found in the reports below.
College opening hours
The College is open from 7am until 6pm, Monday – Friday, during term time.
College hours for students are 8:50am until 3:30pm (with after school clubs, including sports training sessions/fixtures from 3:30pm)
College uniform
Uniform Requirements
The College expects students to wear their uniform with pride and to comply with the College’s stipulations as stated in the Information for Parents – Handbook.
College uniform is compulsory for all students and must be labelled with the student’s name.
Blazer: Blue with College badge
Tie: St. Anselm’s College tie
Shirt: White
Pullover: Grey ‘V’ necked (Optional)
Trousers: Plain, charcoal grey
Shoes: Black, plain, office style appropriate for College (training shoes of any kind are not allowed, if in doubt please check with the College before buying)
Socks: Plain grey/black only
Outdoor wear: Coats worn over blazers must be navy blue or black. No designer label anoraks, hooded tops, body warmers, denim or leather jackets may be worn.
Hair: As part of our uniform and appearance we request that hair must be shorter than collar length and be styled so that eyes, eyebrows and face are not obscured by hair. Students must never obtain a step, a cut very close to the scalp and dyed/toned hair is unacceptable.
Whilst stating this, we are very mindful of any cultural, religious and or mental health diagnoses when assessing the suitability of the chosen haircut.
If in any doubt, consult the College in advance. Final judgement is at the Headmaster’s discretion.
Jewellery must be limited to a wrist watch or any recognised symbols of their religion that does not contravene the prohibited items list. Piercings are not acceptable and the wearing of make-up of any kind and nail varnish is prohibited
Bag: A suitable school bag must be used to carry books to College.
Where to purchase uniform
All items of uniform except the College tie and blazer with school logo can be bought from any retailer.
Uniform Supplier
Parents and carers can obtain uniform from Wirral Uniform Shop, please go to the online portal where you can order your child’s uniform directly from the supplier.
Nearly new uniform information
• Wirral FUSS holds spare items of uniform – www.wirralfuss.co.uk
• Any student in receipt of Pupil Premium / Free School Meals may be eligible for a student grant
Failure to follow the uniform dress code
Failures to follow the dress/appearance code in College may result in the following sanctions;
• Behaviour point
• Lunch duty – removal from the yard
• Detention
• Persistent failure may result in an internal or external suspension.