In October we were visited by representatives from two global Edmund Rice Network organisations who spoke to student groups about their work and the importance of advocacy as a foundation of our social justice activity.

The Justice Desk in Cape Town, South Africa, is an award-winning Human Rights Organisation that operates across Africa. It was established in 2013, with the main goal of promoting the power of everyday activists. Working on the premise that all of us possess immense power, and therefore responsibility, to lead sustainable and impactful change, the Justice Desk aims to educate, equip and empower people on their journey to becoming changemakers.

Their founder, Jess Dewhurst, and two of their service users from Cape Town, shared their stories and experiences of inequality in South Africa with Year 8 and with our Senior SVP and Green Team members. Having impacted over 2 million people through training, advocacy and activism, The Justice Desk are a brilliant example of how we can respond to local and global social justice issues.

PRATYeK, based in New Delhi, India, was born out of a dream to ensure happier childhoods for all children. In 2013, Br Steve Rocha started PRATYeK inspired by the vision and teachings of Edmund Rice. Today PRATYeK works with 100 local NGOs and 300 schools across 29 states in India has impacted the lives of over 2.5 million children.

Br Steve and his colleagues spoke to Year 10 and to the Green Team and SVP, encouraging them to take responsibility for transforming their world, rather than relying on politicians and leaders to do it for them. As Br Steve says, “we are in the business of training young people in the art of realizing their space as equal and active members of society today towards creating an equal, just and participatory world. The niche that we created as NGO in this child right’s world is that of empowering young people to voice and realize their dreams, experiences and aspirations for a world fit for children and a world fit for all.”

It was a privilege to welcome such visionary guests from the global Edmund Rice Network. We’re sure their messages will resonate with our students through their outreach, advocacy and compassionate action.

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