Dear parents and carers,
As you know we had our open evening last night, and what an evening it was! We had a bumper packed night and as always it was our students who showcased our College. I received a number of wonderful emails today highlighting how polite, well-mannered and confident our students are. Thank you for your support in allowing your child to attend.
Our assemblies this week reflected on the parable of talents coupled with the concept of marginal gains, used predominately in the world of sport but completely applicable to the world of education. Students were encouraged to think about what they could do just 1% better every day and how they can use their God given talents to be the best they can be.
We have a busy week again next week, with the German trip – ‘Parents’ information evening’ on Monday followed by the Spanish trip information evening on Tuesday, both at 5pm in the hall. ‘In the zone’ will be in College on Thursday delivering workshops to Year 9 on knife crime, peer pressure, cyber safety, drugs and alcohol and child exploitation. Year 7 are on retreat visiting the Cathedrals in Liverpool on Friday and we have a record 638 students sitting our Entrance Exam on Friday and Saturday morning. College is open for all students as usual.
Finally, congratulations to our FOSA 500 club winners! Please follow the link on our website under the parent section to join if you haven’t already done so https://st-anselms.com/fosa-500-club/
I wish you all a wonderful, restful weekend,
Kind regards,
Mrs Cubbin