Dear parents/carers,
Merseyside Fire and Rescue Prevention Team have shared some very important messages with us this week on how to reduce risk and harm this Halloween and Bonfire Night. The key messages focused specifically on what anti-social behaviour is, hoax calls and the law surrounding fireworks. Please do take time to talk to your son about these messages and ensure he stays safe during this period. For further information please go to https://www.merseyfire.gov.uk/safety-advice/community-safety/bonfire-safety/
Staying on the theme of ‘keeping safe’, we have also shared key information on how to stay safe during a fire alarm and lockdown procedure in College. If you would like further information on this, please do visit our website where you can read our policy.
Another clean sweep for all of our rugby teams against Audenshaw on Saturday! Surely, someone can beat us?Furthermore, a huge congratulations to the all students who took part in the cross-country running – what a turn out! It is fantastic to see so many students getting involved. I also need to give a special mention to our U-15 rugby team who beat Calday in the National Cup game yesterday 23-5. They play Serdbergh in the next round.
Thank you to all parents/carers who attended the Yr. 11 Revision Skills Evening on Tuesday. Can I remind you that it is Yr.11 Parents/Carers Evening next Thursday 24thOctober 5-8pm. Attendance is compulsory.
Please do keep an eye out for an email from me early next week about a very exciting new corporate and family supporter’s project. More details to follow!
I look forward to seeing those of you who will be attending our Annual Anselmian Association Dinner tonight. A special thank you to FOSA for all their hard work making the hall look so glamourous.
Finally, a polite reminder, that next Friday October 25th is a Staff Development Day, and, therefore the College will be closed to all students.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Mrs Cubbin