Dear parents and carers,

the first full week of the Easter Term has passed quickly but successfully. The boys have returned to College routines with impressive maturity.

Sports fixtures resume tomorrow with away matches against our old rivals St. Ambrose College for the A Teams in Years 7, 8, 9 and 10, but no fixtures at The Ridings. Hockey fixtures resume next week.

The Governors and SLT are holding our annual Strategy Meeting tomorrow, at which we review and develop the strategic direction of the College.

There was a fantastic turn-out at the Year 11 Mock GCSE Certificates Evening last night, which is indicative of the high level of parental engagement we enjoy at the College. Whatever your son’s results, the key is for him to improve on them in his March Mock Exams!

Year 13 Reports are close to completion and will be sent out next week. The general picture is encouraging, with the inevitable individual variations.

Next week there are meetings scheduled for both our Student Council and our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors. This gives you an example of how important the student voice is in our community.

I wish you and your families an enjoyable, and drier, weekend!

Best wishes,

Simon Duggan


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