Each year across the globe people join together to make the internet a safer and better place for all – and especially children and young people.

In College during Form Times students have been discussing ways to stay safe online – with a focus this year and throughout February, on avoiding online scams. Following this students were encouraged to complete an online quiz to get their own ‘online safety scores’. Some of our Wellbeing Ambassadors gave the following responses having completed the short questionnaires.

“The Safer Internet Quiz was easy to understand. It covered important topics like privacy, cyber bullying and how to stay safe online. The quiz gave useful tips and real-life examples, which made it interesting and engaging”

“I was not surprised about the questions as they are becoming common to see on social media and are talked about frequently. However the result I got was reassuring as it shows there is help and guidance available to people who have and/or are currently dealing with these issues.”

If your child hasn’t already done so, encourage them to complete the quiz (links below and as a ‘flexible task’ on Satchel) as a useful starting point for discussion on the some of the safety considerations needed when spending time online.

Quiz for 11-14 year olds – UK Safer Internet Centre

Quiz for 14-18 year olds – UK Safer Internet Centre

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