Dear parents and carers,
I can’t quite believe that it is Friday again already; another very busy week!
Congratulations to all 654 students who sat the entrance exam today and a massive thank you to all of our fantastic 6th Form students who supported with arrival and departure arrangements. You are indeed true ambassadors of the College.
Equally, we had some amazing feedback from our ‘In The Zone’ guest visitors yesterday. Year 9 participated in a range of workshops and our visitors were bowled over with their confidence and enthusiasm with the sessions.
Year 7 enjoyed a unique experience to the Cathedrals today. I am yet to get a full report but I am sure they have all had a wonderful time. Photos to follow on social media.
We wish our staff and students a safe trip as they depart for Berlin early Monday morning. Finally, I would like to remind our Year 7 parents that our annual Year 7 welcome Mass is on Thursday 26th at 6pm. Students need to be in College for 5.30pm. We look forward to seeing you all then.
I wish you all a wonderful, restful weekend,
Kind regards,
Mrs Cubbin