Dear parents and carers,

we are now at the end of the Spring half-term. The Key Stage 3 Exams have been completed and I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the boys upon their impressive conduct during the exams. You will receive their reports before the end of term.
Year 11 and 13 students will now have a welcome break of a week during their GCSE, BTEC and A Level exams.
Today is Sports Day and we have been blessed with fine weather for another day of athletic endeavour and competition. It will also serve as welcome preparation for our Junior and Intermediate Teams who compete in the semi-finals of the English Schools Cup next month.
We received papal recognition on Thursday when Deputy Head Boy Dylan Rumsby was one of two student representatives of the Edmund Rice English Schools family at a Papal Audience at the Vatican and was blessed by His Holiness Pope Francis!
On Thursday 8th June we will welcome a local dignitary, Metro Mayor Steve Rotheram, to the College to address Year 12.
Congratulations to our Year 9 team who competed against much older teams in the Wirral Eco Schools Cool Climate Challenge last Friday (see website). We also enjoyed cricketing success last week with our Year 7, 8 and 9 teams all defeating St. Mary’s College Crosby in close matches (see website).
Finally, congratulations to Gabriel Grootveld and Ben O’Brien in Year 7 and Adi Sibal in Year 9 who have all been commended for their actions in helping members of the public recently and have further enhanced the reputation of the College. They are true Anselmians!
I hope that you and your families enjoy the Bank Holiday weekend and gently remind you that next half-term begins at 8.35am on Monday 5th June.

Yours in Christ,
Simon Duggan

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