Version 2.0
Mission Statement:
Our Catholic Community offers a learning environment for us to develop our God given talents and to recognize Christ amongst us. We respect the dignity of God’s creation and, inspired by Gospel values, seek to serve one another.
Document Owner: | Careers Co-ordinator / Head Teacher |
Committee: | Student Wellbeing and Development |
Frequency of Review: | Annually |
Date approved by Governors: | Spring Term 2024 |
Promoting a career development culture is an essential part of the mission and ethos of our College. We aim to support the aspirations of all our learners and to ensure that they gain the understanding, skills and experience they need to make progress and succeed in learning and work. We believe that effective Careers Education, Information and Guidance (CEAIG) not only contributes to the well-being of individuals but also to the wellbeing of their families, the communities to which they belong, wider society, businesses and the economy.
Careers and Work Related Learning Careers Education and Guidance Programmes play a significant role in helping young people choose future pathways that suit their interests, abilities and individual needs. The CEIAG programme at St. Anselm’s College will help students plan and manage their future pathways effectively, ensuring progression which is ambitious and aspirational. The programme will help to prepare our young people for the workplace by providing them with a clear understanding of the world of work and the different paths they might consider taking towards their ideal career.
“It supports them to acquire the self-development and career management skills they need to achieve positive employment destinations. This helps students to choose their pathways, improve their life opportunities and contribute to a productive and successful economy.” (Careers guidance and access for education and training providers January 2023).
It will promote equality of opportunity, embrace diversity and challenge stereotyping. Our policy is guided by the Gatsby benchmarks and conforms to statutory requirements as set out below.
The 8 Gatsby Benchmarks are:
- A stable careers programme
- Learning from careers and labour market information
- Addressing the needs of each student
- Linking curriculum learning to careers
- Encounters with employers and employees
- Experiences of workplaces
- Encounters with further and higher education
- Personal guidance
We fulfil our national responsibilities as laid out in the following document(s):
- DfE Careers Strategy: Making the most of everyone’s skills and talents (December 2017)
- DfE Careers guidance and access for education and training providers (January 2018)
- Sections 42A1, 42B and 45A of the 1997 Education Act, 2003 Education Regulations to provide statutory careers guidance to pupils in Year 8-13
- Section 72 of 2008 Education and Skills Act to give learners access to impartial careers information, education and guidance
- The Technical and Further Education Act 2017
- Ofsted’s Common Inspection Framework
- Ofsted’s School Inspection Handbook
St. Anselm’s College also endeavours to follow best practice guidance from the careers profession, from other expert bodies such as Ofsted and from Government departments that might appear from time to time including The Gatsby Career Benchmarks. A summary of the Gatsby Career Benchmarks is available at the end of this policy.
This policy was developed and will be reviewed annually in discussion with staff, students and governors. Miss L. Baines (Assistant Headteacher), Mrs D. O’Connor (Governor) and Mr J McGowan (Head of CEIAG) are responsible for the review.
The Technical and Further Education Act 2017 states that schools in England “must ensure that there is an opportunity for a range of education and training providers to access registered pupils during the relevant phase of their education, for the purpose of informing them about approved technical education qualifications or apprenticeships”. Each year around 85% of our cohort stay on in to our Sixth Form from Year 11; of these around 80% of the cohort go on to University. At each point of ‘transition’ we strive to ensure that our students are purposefully provisioned in terms of advice and guidance, including information and support regarding options, university study, apprenticeships, employment or further study with another provider.
Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) at St. Anselm’s College
The College aims to encourage students to consider a wide range of options and opportunities and ultimately to go into courses and jobs which suit their needs, skills, ambitions, interests and qualities. Careers education and guidance programmes make a major contribution to preparing young people for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life. A planned and progressive programme of activities supports students in choosing pathways from 11-19 years old.
Future CEIAG forms part of the PSHE programme in Years 7 and 8. Within this programme, students will:
- Develop a broad understanding of the world of work and an ability to respond to changing opportunities.
- Make best use of the Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) both independently and with support.
- Develop essential careers skills promoted through our Teaching and Learning ethos including creativity, perseverance, resilience, good self-presentation and adaptability.
- Manage transitions in their lives such as GCSE and A-Level options as well as from the College to university or work.
- Raise their aspirations, broaden their horizons and challenge stereotyped thinking about what they and others can achieve within our society.
The Government’s Careers Strategy, published on 4 December 2017, sets out a long term plan to build a world class careers system that will help young people and adults choose the career that is right for them. To achieve this aim, the Careers Strategy sets out that every school and academy providing secondary education should use the Gatsby Charitable Foundation’s Benchmarks to develop and improve their careers provision. Under the Government’s Careers Strategy (2018) students are entitled to careers education and guidance which follows the policy above and is therefore independent and impartial, integrated within their overall education and structured to provide help at decision points and to meet their continuing needs. Students are also entitled to access a range of providers of technical education and apprenticeships to inform them about technical education qualifications or apprenticeships.
The Governing Body, Head Teacher, Senior Leadership Team and Staff are committed to:
- meeting our statutory careers-related responsibilities and principles of good practice in CEIAG
- providing resources and advice to enable students to understand and develop Career choices, including securing independent and impartial careers guidance for Years 7- 13
- ensuring that Careers Education is a key part of the overall curriculum and learning framework for all years, with a planned programme of CEIAG activities that meet students’ needs
- ensuring that careers advice provided is both independent and impartial, and is offered equally to all students regardless of gender, ethnicity or disability
- involving students, staff, parents and carers in the further development of careers work
- working with a range of external partners and organisations, including providers of careers advice and guidance, local education-business partnerships and former students, and especially collaborating more fully with local and national employers Statutory duties
Roles and Responsibilities
The Careers Strategy (DfE, 2018) sets out that that every school needs a Careers Leader who has the energy and commitment, and backing from their Senior Leadership Team, to deliver the Careers Programme across all eight Gatsby Benchmarks. Every school will be asked to name this Careers Leader. The named member of staff is Mr J McGowan (with responsibility for CEIAG). The member of the Senior Leadership Team works in conjunction with the rest of the Senior Leadership Team and the member of the Governing Body with strategic oversight of CEIAG, This is the responsibility of the Head of Sixth Form.
The Careers Strategy (DfE, 2018) sets out that that every school needs a Careers Leader who has the energy and commitment, and backing from their Senior Leadership Team, to deliver the Careers Programme across all eight Gatsby Benchmarks. Every school will be asked to name this Careers Leader. The named member of staff is Mr J McGowan (with responsibility for CEIAG). The member of the Senior Leadership Team works in conjunction with the rest of the Senior Leadership Team and the member of the Governing Body with strategic oversight of CEIAG, This is the responsibility of the Head of Sixth Form, Miss L Baines
“Governors have a crucial role to play in connecting their school with the wider community of business and other professional people in order to enhance the education and career aspirations of pupils. This includes helping secure speakers, mentors and work experience placements, all of which can help engage employers in the school and in turn potentially lead to them providing new skilled governors.” The Governor is Mrs D O’Connor.
Parents and Carers
Parental involvement is encouraged at all stages. Details of our Careers Programme are published on our website so that it is known and understood by students, parents/carers, teachers, governors and employers. Parents are supplied with Key Stage 3 Curriculum Information, Key Stage 4 Options Booklet, Sixth Form Options Booklet, Medical Careers and Oxbridge Information Sessions. Parents and carers are also invited to attend Options Evenings for Year 9, Year 11 and Year 13.
A Careers Fair is attended, organised by Career Connect annually for parents and students. Parents and carers are kept up to date with careers related information and events through a dedicated monthly newsletter that includes apprenticeships – higher and degree level as well as vacancy listing. Information can also be found in the College newsletter and the careers section of the College website, letters home and noticeboard postings on the Show-My-Homework site. Parents and carers are also invited to share their expertise and experience during careers events and activity days. The organization of Careers Fairs will be reviewed annually in light of recent developments instigated by the Covid-19 pandemic, during which several “virtual” careers fairs were available to be accessed by the student body.
Technical Education Qualifications and Apprenticeships Opportunities
All pupils in years 7-13 are assisted to investigate technical education qualifications and apprenticeships opportunities as part of the College Careers Programme which provides information on the full range of education and training options available at each transition point.
All pupils in years 7-13 hear from a range of local providers about the opportunities they offer, including technical education and apprenticeships. This occurs through options events, assemblies and group discussions and taster events.
All pupils in years 7-13 are instructed how to make applications for the full range of academic and technical courses.
Management of provider access requests Procedure
A provider wishing to request access should contact Mr J McGowan, Head of CEIAG, Telephone: 0151 652 1408; Email:
Opportunities for access
Throughout the academic year, events are integrated into the College Careers Programme. These offer providers an opportunity to come into the College to speak to pupils and/or their parents/carers.
Resources, Implementation and Delivery of Careers Guidance
The budget for CEIAG is determined annually and every endeavour is made to ensure that sufficient resources are allocated to meet student needs. The College has one careers library with a wide range of relevant and up-to-date resources.
There are also information areas in the Sixth Form area containing university prospectuses and information on other routes such as Higher Apprenticeships.
Careers information is displayed on information boards in the main College and the Sixth Form. Careers Guidance in all Key Stages is provided through a Careers Advisor from Career Connect. The Careers Advisor during the academic year 2019-2020 is Ms K Dickson. The Careers Advisor usually visits the College every Friday and is based in the Careers Library. The Advisor is available for pre-arranged appointments or for drop-in sessions during junior and senior breaks as well as at lunchtime. The Careers Advisor is also available at Parents’ Evenings and Key Transition Events such as the Careers Fair and the Year 8 GCSE Options Evening and 6th Form Open Evenings.
Careers Education is delivered through the College’s PSHCE programme, as well as in some curriculum lessons, tutor time and off timetable sessions such as activity days. Work Related Learning in the form of work experience takes place in Year 10, together with careers interviews with an independent advisor and access to a Careers Fair. Work experience intended specifically for Sixth Form students is advertised on the College Show-My-Homework site and via College email.
Careers guidance for vulnerable, Pupil Premium, disadvantaged and SEND students
The designated careers lead will engage with the College’s designated advisor for vulnerable, looked after and previously looked after children to:
- ensure they know which students are in care or who are care givers;
- understand their additional support needs;
- ensure that, for looked after children, their personal education plan can help inform careers advice.
St. Anselm’s College aims to ensure that careers guidance for Pupil Premium (PP) students, students with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) is differentiated where appropriate and based on high aspirations and a personalised approach.
We endeavour to work with parents and carers or PP students and students with SEND to help them understand what careers options are possible. This guidance will take account of the full range of relevant education, training and employment opportunities. Where pupils have EHC plans, their annual reviews must, from Year 9 at the latest, include a focus on adulthood, including employment.
Staff Training and Professional Development
Staff professional learning and development needs are identified through regular review and appropriate arrangements are made to meet these needs within a reasonable time frame. Monitoring and review CEIAG provision is monitored and amended by the Careers Coordinator and the member of the Senior Leadership Team with responsibility for CEIAG.
Students’ opinions are sought via Student Voice Group Interviews, the College Council and via Surveys following a series of Careers Interviews or Parents’ Evenings.
Parental views are sought at Parents Evenings and will also be recorded following the next Careers Fair. A report is submitted to the Senior Leadership and Governors. Evaluations of other aspects of CEIAG are undertaken regularly.
Destination measures are analysed closely and used to ensure that the College is providing the right advice and guidance to head students in the right directions so that they are successful.
Student Entitlement to CEIAG
As a student of St. Anselm’s College, your CEIAG programme will help you to:
- Understand yourself, your interests, likes and dislikes, what you are good at and how this affects the choices you make
- Find out about different courses, what qualifications you might need and what opportunities there might be
- Develop the skills you may need for working life
- Make realistic, but ambitious, choices about courses and jobs
- Develop a plan of action for the future
- Understand the different routes after Year 11 including training, further and higher education and employment
- Be able to make effective applications for jobs, training and further and higher education
- Develop your interview skills
- Improve your confidence
You will receive:
- Careers sessions through Tutor Time and PSHE
- A range of careers activities through extra-curricular provision
- Access to the Careers library – information is available in books, videos, leaflets and on computer – ask for help
- Interviews with a Careers Adviser through Career Connect (Key Stage 3, 4 & 5)
- Work experience
You can expect to be:
- Treated equally with others
- Given careers information and advice that is up to date and impartial
- Treated with respect by vistors to the College who are part of the Careers Programme
Please refer to the Associations section on the College website.