Entrance Examination
What does the Year 7 Entrance Exam consist of?
The exam consists of English, Maths and Verbal Reasoning papers. Each exam is an hour in length.
How can I register my child to sit the Entrance Examination?
Please click on this link to complete the on-line registration form.
I did not attach my child’s baptism certificate to the on-line registration, is there another way I can send?
Baptism certificates, if not attached to the online registration form must be submitted prior to the exam date to baptism@st-anselms.com or the application cannot be considered as a Catholic one (See oversubscription criteria).
What if I think my child is entitled to special arrangements/extra time?
You should tick the box on the application form and upload any documents detailing the reason for extra time, etc. This information is then passed to the Headteacher’s PA for the Headteacher and SENCO to review. If you have any other information please e-mail acook@st-anselms.com We will contact you should any additional documentation be required or with confirmation of the Headteacher’s decision regarding the approved special arrangements.
What if my child is unable to attend on the day of the exam?
If your child is unable to attend, please inform the College as early as possible on the morning of the entrance exam on 0151 652 1408 stating the reason for absence. You will be required to provide a Doctor’s Note/evidence confirming this reason. We can then arrange for your child to sit the exam on another date.
What if I have SEND questions?
Please e-mail the SENCO, Mr Passingham: sendco@st-anselms.com
What if I have additional SEND paperwork that was not uploaded on the original application form?
You will have been able to submit any SEND paperwork when you registered your son through the on-line registration form. If these did not upload or you have additional paperwork or there were problems uploading the documentation please e-mail the Headteacher’s PA Mrs Cook acook@st-anselms.com Please note that any Educational Psychologist report must be less than 28 months old or a new report will be required.
Are there any Sample Papers?
The English and Maths sample papers are available on the College website for pupils seeking a place in Year 7. Verbal Reasoning papers can be purchased through any stationery shop (the College does not hold copies of sample VR papers).
Does my child have to wear their school uniform for the exam?
There is no requirement for your child to wear their school uniform while sitting the exam, although some primary schools prefer their students to sit the exam in their school uniform. Smart/casual wear is acceptable.
Will my child be given a break on the day of the exam?
Yes. There will be a 15 minute break.
Does my child need to bring anything with them?
Please bring a pen, pencil, rubber, ruler, snack and a drink for mid-morning break.
What should I do if my child has any Medical Conditions/Allergies?
If your child has any medical conditions or allergies that we need to be aware of on the day (that you have not already informed us of on the application form) please e-mail Mrs Cook acook@st-anselms.com and ensure that they brings any necessary medication or equipment, such as an Epipen, with them.
Is there an opportunity to visit the College before the Entrance Exam?
Dates for Open Evenings will be put on the College website, please check the calendar.
What is the allocated number for admission into Year 7 and what are my child’s chances of gaining a place?
The current allocation is 156.
When will I know the results from the Entrance Exam?
You will be advised by letter or e-mail prior to the Local Authority secondary school preference form deadline at the end of October (please check LA website).
What can I do if my child is unsuccessful in the exam? Can we appeal?
Yes, you have the right to appeal. Please see appeals link on the College website. If your son was unsuccessful in gaining a place at the College, following receipt of your letters from the College and the Local Authority, please contact the College in March and an Appeals Pack will be sent out to you. Please note that you cannot appeal until you have received your son’s secondary school allocation from the Local Authority on allocation day in March.
How are the Papers marked?
All papers are passed to external examiners for marking. Samples of each test are moderated to ensure accuracy.
In Year Transfer
An in-year transfer admission is when a student is admitted to the College outside the normal secondary transfer period (when a student enters the College from Year 6 to Year 7). An application can be made for a place at any time outside the secondary admission round (with the exception of Year 7 as there is an agreement between Wirral Schools that any student must be given time in their new school so no application can be made until after the first full term in secondary school). For your child to be considered for a place at St. Anselm’s College they must be successful in the Entrance Exam by passing all 3 papers.
How do I apply for my child to sit the in-year transfer exam?
1. To register an interest to sit the Entrance Exam please complete the on-line information form via the link so the College are aware of your application. You must then complete the Local Authority Form (see below). Please note that the College will not make contact until we have received the completed paperwork from the Local Authority.
2. Click on the link below and complete the Local Authority form. All in-year transfers have to be submitted through the Local Authority before your child can sit the entrance exam. When the Local Authority have processed your application they will send the information to the College and we will contact you to advise of the next in-year transfer exam date. https://www.wirral.gov.uk/schools-andlearning/school-admissions/apply-primary-or-secondary-school-place
Baptism certificates for Roman Catholic and Christian child, if not attached to the online ‘register of interest form’ must be submitted prior to the exam date to baptism@st-anselms.com or the application will not be considered as a Catholic or Christian one (See over-subscription criteria).
I completed the ‘register of interest form’ for an in-year transfer, how long before my application is processed?
After completing the College register of interest form and the Local Authority application form it can take up to 4 weeks for the Local Authority to process your application. The College must wait until we receive the application from the Local Authority before we can invite your child in to sit the exam. When the paperwork is received the College will be in contact with you to advise of the next exam date.
What does the in-year transfer Entrance Exam consist of?
Entry into Year 7: English, Maths and Verbal Reasoning papers. Each exam is an hour in length. Entry into Years 8 – 10: English, Maths and Science papers.
What time will the exam start and finish?
We will confirm the times on the invitation e-mail but usually we ask that you bring your child to the College Reception by 8.45am for a 9.00am start. The length of the exams for each year group vary and you will be advised of the finish time on your invitation e-mail.
What if my child is unable to attend on the day of the in-year transfer exam?
If for any reason your child is unable to attend you will be offered the next available exam date.
If your child is unable to attend, please inform the College as early as possible on the day of the exam on 0151 652 1408.
What should I do if my child has any Medical Conditions/Allergies?
If your child has any medical conditions or allergies that we need to be aware of please advise the Reception staff where you will be given a form to complete. Please ensure that he brings any necessary device or medication, such as an Epipen.
Will my child be given a break on the day of the exam?
Yes. There will be a 15 minute break.
Does my child need to bring anything with him?
Your child should bring a pen, pencil, rubber, ruler, scientific calculator and a snack and drink for the mid-morning break.
Does my child have to wear his school uniform for the exam?
There is no requirement for your child to wear his school uniform while sitting the exam. Smart/casual wear is acceptable.
When will I know if my child has been offered a place at the College following the in-year transfer exam?
You will be advised within 5-7 days of your son sitting the Entrance Exam. The Deputy Headteacher will contact you initially by telephone.
My child was successful in the in-year transfer exam but there is no place available?
If your child was successful in the Entrance Exam and there is no place available in their year group then their name will go on to a waiting list until a place becomes available (up to a period of 12 months). If no place becomes available within 12 months your child would be required to sit another exam relevant to their year group.
Can my child re-sit the in-year transfer exam if unsuccessful?
Your child can sit an in-year transfer exam (relevant to their year group) once in a 12 month period.