Our Entrance Examination will take place on Friday 19th September 2025 (for entrance into Year 7 in September 2026).
The examination for those students who have been granted 'Special Access Arragements', will take place on Saturday 20th September 2025.
Please Note: This is only for those students who have been granted 'Special Access Arrangements'.
Further details will be sent out closer to the day.
Please complete all the fields below and click on the 'Register' button, to register your son for our Entrance Examination.
The closing date for registration, and Special Access Arrangement supporting documentation to be received, is Thursday 31st July 2025. Once the form has been submitted, you will receive an email confirming receipt of the registration.
To be registered as a Baptised Roman Catholic or Baptised Christian we will require a copy of your son's Baptism certificate. If you are unable to upload this to the form please send a copy to Mrs J. Desmond at the College either by post or via email to baptism@st-anselms.com
We will contact you again in September 2025 to inform you of the specific details of the day. If you have any questions or queries regarding the process please call the College on 0151 652 1408 or email us at admissions@st-anselms.com. We look forward to receiving your registration.