Dear Parents and Carers

Election of Parent Governors

Our Instrument of Government requires that Parent Governors are elected to serve on the College Governing Body for a period of four years. Two vacancies have arisen for Parent Governors as the previous post holders have completed their terms of office, we thank them for their time and commitment. I am therefore writing to you asking for nominations for 2 new ones.

We will shortly be joining the Laetare Trust Catholic Multi Academy Trust following consultation with our parents and staff, as you may be aware, however we will still have our own Local Board of Governors. Many of our Governors’ duties will remain with us.

The College needs effective Parent Governors, so if you feel that you could offer your services in this way please do not hesitate to apply. Governors support the work of the College by acting as critical friend, assisting in the appointment of staff, scrutinising policies and sitting on Committees to develop different aspects of College life such as the curriculum, staffing and admissions. You do not need expertise in education but an enthusiasm for making St Anselm’s the best possible College for our pupils is essential.

Governors do have to be available for meetings and consultation and the experience will provide you with a valuable insight into education. A Full Governing Body meeting is held termly throughout the academic year on Thursday evenings from 5.00pm. These meetings are held in Outwood House and usually last around 2 hours. Governors are invited to share any expertise as members of various specialist Committees. Owing to their nature, it is necessary for some Committees to meet more regularly. Committees such as Finance and Curriculum & Standards usually meet half termly. These meetings are also held in Outwood House after the end of the school day and usually last around 1-2 hours. Governors are also expected to attend College events.

If there are only 2 nominations those people shall be elected. If there are more than two nominations the Governors will make arrangements for parents/carers to cast their votes in a ballot.

A nominated Parent Governor (who must be a registered parent or carer of a registered pupil) should be proposed and seconded by two other parents. Nomination slips should be returned to me, in a sealed envelope marked “Nomination of Parent Governor”, by 4.00pm on Friday 28th February 2025.

Persons who are an undischarged bankrupt or have been convicted of certain criminal offences are not eligible to serve as Parent Governors. DBS checks for College Governors are compulsory.

Thank you for taking the time to consider this matter.

Yours sincerely

Mrs A Cook
Clerk to the Governors

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