Undertaking extracurricular activities has far-ranging benefits that touch on many aspects of student development. 

Fundamentally, extra-curricular activities allow students to learn something that could stay with them for a lifetime. Directly, that skill could be the basis of a hobby or passion that enriches their life for many years. Everything from playing sports to learning an instrument could lead to hours spent doing something they enjoy. Beyond that, extra-curricular activities develop skills that can be helpful in other walks of life. Using the same examples, sports are key to developing teamwork, leadership, and problem-solving skills. A musical instrument requires perseverance, hand-eye coordination and, above all, creativity. These are skills that provide continued benefits long after education is completed.  

A lot of the skills that lie at the heart of extra-curricular activities can be used during core academic subjects. Education requires solid problem-solving skills, memory, creativity, and critical thinking. To varying degrees, you can find an extracurricular activity that has an impact on these areas. Research has been carried out that develops a link between extra-curricular participation and better academic performance. 

Extra-curricular activities can also aid in the development of self-esteem and confidence. It is gratifying when we succeed in something we enjoy, especially after working hard to achieve it.

Good self-esteem is an essential tool for positive mental health and wellbeing.

TitleStatusLast ModifiedLink
Enrichment 2024-2025Publish26/02/2025
Green-Zine 1Publish19/12/2024
Green-Zine 2Publish19/12/2024
Green-Zine 3Publish19/12/2024
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